Jeanette Schäring
Interdisciplinary Textile Artist
Working with Ecology

I am intrigued by the eco-poetic sensory state of Colour entanglement that fluctuates between light, plants, fragrance, water, sensuality, human and more-than-human, microbial life – colour processes, fibres and our collective memory, extended and collective mind and how we are all intertwined in the ecosphere.
I grew up in the forest outside Borås with my old relatives, in an old house where we lived parallel with my ancestors. I grew up there in a landscape, on the land, next to the river Viskan and the Oxala Lake, where many generations before had walked, worked and lived.
I delve into the plants, their medicinal properties and complex slow fermentation processes for making colour, food, and fibre and approach a world of complexity. It is, for me, an intimate feedback to the ecological heritage, the rituals, the intricacies of cultivation, creating methods, colour, food and textiles, associations with care, and healing of life and water. I rely on microorganisms, the weather, animals, and water and focus on human and non-human-like bacteria interconnections to bring out complex processes, which can reveal stories with which to tell new stories for an ecological future and CARE.
I started to study biology to become an osteopath, but later, I changed to study Textile Art and received a BFA and MFA from Gothenburg Univ. I have studied with Indigenous Maori in Aotearoa for two years during the pandemic, Rongoa and Raranga, including pre-and post-colonialism. I have worked with scientists at Uppsala University with water and the brain and exhibited nationally and internationally.
I call myself an environmental artist health coach, and an osteopath for nature.
Sensory and somatic Colour systems integrate experiences of our existential encounter with the world, bringing us the truth and the magic of the breath and the wilderness of our hearts.
My Blog
The colours from plants can enhance our sensory perception, and deepen our psyche of intricacy, substance, beauty and fragility. The light gives us the prismatic shift of the colour blue in the ocean reminding us of nature’s time, schedules, the dynamics and interconnections of all life.
My work
I work with artistic research about botanicals and colours as an artistic research material and not as a resource. In my work, I investigate and delve into depth around plants, water, ocean, methods, colonisation and rights related to holistic, Colour, medical, scientific, and ancient knowledge. I try to understand complex processes beyond our current thinking, where I examine plants, seaweed and colours and how they communicate with us in a somatic, intelligent and spiritual way. Water is a very important part of this work. In my artistic research work, which is in-depth research about plants, colour and water. I engage with a sensually interconnected eco-poetic methodology that analyses the intricate interplay between the human and the more-than-human world, particularly focusing on elements such as light, plants, colour, fibre, water, and microbial life, which is an approach that delves into the Colour sensory aspects of this entanglement.
The focal point of my artistic endeavours centres on the eco-philosophical, aesthetic and spiritual exploration of Colour and material, biology, water and the intricate dynamics of our delicate ecosystem, which include looking deeply into the colonial colour and textile history with an ecological understanding of our future for change. am working with the colour embodiment to strengthen the function of the body and mind, to increase our resilience to be present with the earth, and to unravel the lye of colours and the synthetical colours and pharmaceuticals we live within today. The focal point of my artistic endeavours centres on the eco-philosophical, aesthetic and spiritual exploration of Colour and material, biology, water and the intricate dynamics of our delicate ecosystem, which also includes looking deeply into the colonial colours and textiles and empirical attitudes, theories and practise, with an ecological understanding of our future for change.